Monday, August 20, 2012

Reboot Day 8 Weight: 174.8 Temp: 97.1

So today starts week 2 of my reboot. I will not be eating any food this time. Well, I hopefully will not be eating any food. It's getting harder and harder not to cave. I thought it would be easier by now but I feel like the real temptation is here now. Whispering in my thoughts and wafting in to my nose. I thought the biggest thing I would miss would be the fast food resturants and suprisingly enough it isn't. It's the Combos, Little Debbie Snack Cakes, and Milky Way bars. It's hard having to go into the grocery store and knowing that they are right there! I feel a little disappointed when the scale didn't drop today but I am very happy that it didn't rise. I feel that this next week of no food will get the numbers to start on their decline once more. I adjusted very well last week after a few days and I just hope that it does the same thing this week. I think the fact that I didn't get much sleep last night is wearing on me as well.

On a positive note, I found out that grapes juice very well and taste delicious. They're cheap, in season all year, and make a large amount of juice. I think this will become a well used item from now on. But I think that's all I'm going to write today. I'm tired, and not entirely looking forward to my juice tonight instead of tuna salad. I hope it's a better day tomorrow.

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