Monday, September 10, 2012

Wipe Off The Blackboard And Start Again

So I finally just gave up. A few days after I got really irritated and snappy with some people I just decided to kind of stop doing the juice. I am still "trying" to eat right but I just got back from the beach and I did NOT even try to eat right. I'm going to track my calories with an app I downloaded and exercise and see how that goes. More later.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Reboot Day 12 Weight: 172.2 Temp: 98.4

I've lost 10.2 pounds!!! Last night I was pretty sure I was going to give up and just quit. But after I saw the scale today I'm feeling a little more motivated to keep going. I was only planning on doing this until we go to the beach and then starting up again when we get back. The beach is only 12 days away. So I've reached my halfway point. If I can manage to lose another 10 by then I'd be walking on air, I'd be so happy. Even though I won't be able to juice at all at the beach I won't be in short supply to find fish, which is a healthy meat choice. I just have to worry about the fact that down here in the south, EVERYTHING is fried!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reboot Day 11 Weight: 174.0 Temp: 97.9

I'm not too excited about that weight up there. It only went down a small fraction. Although, I'd much rather have a decrease than an increase. I'm starting to get a little tired of the same tastes everyday. I tried to mix it up and make a tomato "soup" last night from a recipe I found online. It was okay but VERY tomato-y and I'm not crazy about tomatoes. But I like to have something warm at night. It makes it feel more like a meal to me than just having iced juice. I think my hardest challenge is going to be tonight...I'm going to the movies. I've been wanting to avoid that for as long as possible. The worst thing to smell when you want to eat something is popcorn. And I'm going with a friend of mine who is not the best person to be around during a diet. He's what I've heard referred to as a "Naysayer." He will say stuff like "A little bit won't hurt you" or "It's not bad for you so go ahead" but I will be strong. No popcorn! No delicious, warm, buttery, salty, popcorn...Oh, Lord...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reboot Day 10 Weight: 174.2 Temp: 97.0

Phew! It went down again. Good. Now I just have to keep it doing that. I worked out last night. It was hard. I was ready to pass out but I felt amazing afterwards. I'm doing the Insanity workout until I go to the beach. That's another thing I'm worrying about. I'll be at the end of the juicing when I go to the beach and won't be able to take a huge juicer with me. I'm going to have to eat actual food the whole time I'm there. I guess when I get back I can juice for like a week and get whatever I gain off me. Maybe...
I did cave yesterday a little. I ate a stalk of celery and peanut butter. I kind of felt sick afterwards. It's crazy that that little bit of food would make me nauseous but I'm glad it did. It will help me to stay focused. Only five more days till my halfway point and 6.8 pounds to lose at the end. I think if I can stay focused on my workouts, school, and work I'll just be able to do this. Bring it on!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reboot Day 9 Weight: 175.4 Temp: 98.2

Ugh! Do you see that number up there??? It went UP! That's sad, sad news. I thought with me not eating any solid food yesterday it would have went down. I was really struggling yesterday with not caving. I feel a little more determined today to not cave just to make those numbers start on the decline again. I felt like I was watching porn last night on the Food Network. My mouth was watering for some of the burgers and sandwiches featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. Maybe I gained because I was envisioning myself eating those cheesy, greasy, foods. Dieting, it seems to me, is a lot of mind over matter. My roommate thinks that I should have a cheat day somewhere in the middle as a reward of some kind but I worry that if I cheat once, I'd be like an addict getting a taste of their favoirte drug of choice. In a way, food has become somewhat of an addiction in America and I don't think that we've come to realize that as a nation just yet. What makes it harder is being outside around lunchtime and smelling the delicious foods. When I came home last night there was speghetti on the stove. It was so difficult to not want to just start devouring the food. I've never even been a huge fan for speghetti but at that moment I was it's number one groupie. I just keep telling myself, "Just get through this one week. One week. That's all it is. If you can get through this one, you'll be able to do the next one." I know at the end of this week I'll have reached my halfway point. I just hope I'll be strong until then.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reboot Day 8 Weight: 174.8 Temp: 97.1

So today starts week 2 of my reboot. I will not be eating any food this time. Well, I hopefully will not be eating any food. It's getting harder and harder not to cave. I thought it would be easier by now but I feel like the real temptation is here now. Whispering in my thoughts and wafting in to my nose. I thought the biggest thing I would miss would be the fast food resturants and suprisingly enough it isn't. It's the Combos, Little Debbie Snack Cakes, and Milky Way bars. It's hard having to go into the grocery store and knowing that they are right there! I feel a little disappointed when the scale didn't drop today but I am very happy that it didn't rise. I feel that this next week of no food will get the numbers to start on their decline once more. I adjusted very well last week after a few days and I just hope that it does the same thing this week. I think the fact that I didn't get much sleep last night is wearing on me as well.

On a positive note, I found out that grapes juice very well and taste delicious. They're cheap, in season all year, and make a large amount of juice. I think this will become a well used item from now on. But I think that's all I'm going to write today. I'm tired, and not entirely looking forward to my juice tonight instead of tuna salad. I hope it's a better day tomorrow.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Reboot Day 6 Weight: 175.4 Temp: 97.8

I'm not having the greatest of days today. The silver lining is the fact that it's day 6 and I've lost 7lbs! Plus I made my morning juice and it...was...SO-FREAKING-GOOD. It was about a tablespoon or two worth of kale juice, a tablespoon of carrot juice, two golden delicious apples and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Yummy! I have alot of homework to get done this weekend so I may not post too much on here. I've got to think of a name for this concoction...