Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reboot Day 11 Weight: 174.0 Temp: 97.9

I'm not too excited about that weight up there. It only went down a small fraction. Although, I'd much rather have a decrease than an increase. I'm starting to get a little tired of the same tastes everyday. I tried to mix it up and make a tomato "soup" last night from a recipe I found online. It was okay but VERY tomato-y and I'm not crazy about tomatoes. But I like to have something warm at night. It makes it feel more like a meal to me than just having iced juice. I think my hardest challenge is going to be tonight...I'm going to the movies. I've been wanting to avoid that for as long as possible. The worst thing to smell when you want to eat something is popcorn. And I'm going with a friend of mine who is not the best person to be around during a diet. He's what I've heard referred to as a "Naysayer." He will say stuff like "A little bit won't hurt you" or "It's not bad for you so go ahead" but I will be strong. No popcorn! No delicious, warm, buttery, salty, popcorn...Oh, Lord...

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